Friday, 19 October 2012

Of Driving Tests, iHop, and Adverts

Hello my lovelies, reminiscent of my blogging days in Australia, I am updating from my workplace. I don't have anything to do for the moment so why not? Although perhaps it would be more productive to work on one of my essays rather than updating the Pommie Diaries... but anyway.

I am a totally legit driver in the US now! I would post a photo of my driving license but I'm not going to make it easy for someone to steal my identity. Not sure if that's how it works. Also it has my weight printed on there... I'm sure it as because I already know how to drive, but that test was ridiculous. I read through the manual twice, maybe three times, and passed to the theory part with flying colours. That may also have had something to do with the fact that I got the same question three times. If the test is set on 'Shuffle,' I think it's broken, but now I am really certain of what to do when an emergency vehicle pulls up behind me. The driving practical was just silly, but again I'm sure that's to do with the fact I already passed the test so they figured I could drive. We left the rest centre, drove to a residential area, drove around in a loop, and then came back again. America is now sure I can accelerate and brake acceptably. They are unaware of my parking skills (bay parking - pro. parallel parking - scary).

But now I have that I can drive golf carts around campus and I'm about to take a test drive in a 12-passanger van. Seriously, in about half an hour. I've driven a seven-seater Kia, is a van much different?
Check out that seating cover!

In other news, I am now acquainted with iHop. What a weird place. It looks like something from the 60s, but not in a cool retro way, but a "what were they thinking when they chose this carpet" way. They seem to really like pancakes, and have come up with many many ways in which to serve them with other foods. I'm sure on the menu is a Steak-and-Pancake option. Last night I had chicken strips and waffles. On the same plate. Crazy stuff! But very useful because I ate the chicken last night and the waffles this morning. I had to protect them from my ravenous colleagues at work.

Say What???
I have also been taking advantage of the fast food options here. I recently got my pension fund back from when I was working in Australia, at least I think that's what the Super Annuation was for, and so I've taken out as much of that as possible, but I had to leave a little bit in the account because American banks are stupid and charge you in weird and wonderful ways to take out your own money. Anyway, I kind of see that money left in the account as "free money." Don't ask me why. But that means I'm okay with spending it and so I've been able to enjoy Taco Bell (meal number 8, yum!) and Zaxby's (they serve chicken fingers with chips, and a slice of toast. Random). I was on a healthy eating spree but I cave easily. America has the best food.

There are so many things right about this cereal
And now for something completely different (Monty Python reference there) One thing I've noticed about American adverts on TV is that they're strange. For example, "If you are experiencing dizziness and a lack of appetite, you are probably suffering from this condition. Take this medicine to make you feel better and all warm and fuzzy inside. Side effects include fatigue, sore muscles, losing your hearing, hair loss, and eventual death." Nice. Let's just diagnose and medicate myself, yeah? And then this is followed up by "Have you or anyone you know been taking omnidoziflopsyoxin and have suffered side effects? We can sue the bastards! Call this number now!" American adverts are very keen for you to sue people. It's like a side hobby.

I should probably get back to work before my boss looks over her shoulder. Fingers crossed I don't hit anything on my bus test drive.

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