Sunday, 16 September 2012

Of Air Fresheners, Cows and Fabulous Friends


Do you know what happened an hour ago? Oh, actually 2. Wow, time flies when I'm procrastinating. Anyway, at 8pm tonight, I, Eleana, was in Walmart. I was in Walmart. I Was In Walmart After The Buses Stopped! See, most people here have a car, and have had one since they were like 12 or something, because America has weird laws where a person can't drink until they're 21, but they're allowed to drive when they're still not big enough to see over the steering wheel. They've had a car forever, so I'm not sure they can truly understand how over the moon I am with owning a car. Well, except when they ask me about it and the first thing I do is squeal and do my little hopping dance of delight before telling them how much having a car rocks. Which I actually do, this is not a fabrication.

I'm sure the novelty will wear off at some point and I can be as cooly nonchalant as everyone else. But for the moment, I am a child with a new toy. An expensive toy, which I am also completely freaked out about. Every time I come out of my building, I am absolutely certain someone has already bashed their door into it or it's been stolen. Every time! It is very stressful leaving my apartment at the moment. Along with the novelty, I assume this will wear off also. I hope.

The day I got it, I drove to Walmart and entered a section I'd never before had a reason to step into..... the Auto section. And boy oh boy do I know nothing about cars. For about 92% of the section I am unable to either identify the products, or tell you how you use them. The air-freshener section? I am all over that. My favourite is anything that smells like berries or sweets, which people who have smelt my perfume collection will totally understand. I also bought a steering wheel cover. Not one of those fluffy zebra pattern ones (uck) but a nice leather one with silver/white detailing. Y'know, cause I'm a girl. It's so pretty! Getting it on the steering wheel was a bitch. I accidentally honked a random person in the car park. I'm never taking it off.

The part of the auto section I am looking forward to perusing next is the gadget and gizmo section.... but I've made myself wait until I get paid. Apparently social security numbers take bloody ages to come through. Who knew? And I decided my priority was to eat rather than pimp out my ride with LED lights. Which I'm not saying I'll do.....

I am coming to the end of a rather painful couple of weeks where I had to be writing assignments basically every day. I can see the light. Just one more to go, which I should be doing instead of blogging, but so far I've successfully put it off for... oooh.... 95 hours so why stop now. After this, I have at least 2 weeks where all I need to do is the reading for classes. Happy days. Oh, and there's a trip to New Orleans coming up so muchos fun is soon to be had! The only thing that could make it better is if I could actually drive down to New Orleans in my lovely car. But that would be silly as I have free transport provided. And it would add many many miles to the metre. Which is something I now have to worry about.

You'll all be ecstatic to know that I have been socialising, which I know you've all been worried about (which is sarcasm, just in case Sheldon Cooper is reading this). Making friends somewhere new has always been the thing I have been most worried about every time I've gone somewhere new, and it's always worked out. Well, seeing as I have the weird housemate situation where only one of my housemates is good at being friendly and, well, present, I've been hoping to make some really good friends outside of my living space. And I found them! My course mates are the best group of course mates I have probably ever had.

Walking into my first history class a month ago and listening to all the second years catching up with each other and knowing everyone, I was wondering if I could become that comfortable with them, seeing as that had been something I wasn't very good at back in the Birmingham days. Tell you what though, these kids are awesome. Everyone knows each other and gets on well. They are constantly inviting everyone to dinner and to their place for a party (wish I could do that but my housing situation..... yeah). We hang out at football games, which means that for the first time I actually have tents where I'm invited to take part rather than attempting to gate crash one because I'm hungry. And the closeness means that it's much easier to speak out in class, because even if what you say is stupid, the laughter is definitely not mean (very primary school outlook, I know, but we all have our insecurities and there's mine). I know some of them read this so I just want to say thank you, because you're making a Brit very happy 4800 miles away from home (I originally wrote 3000 miles, but my Dad corrected me. Good to know he's still at home, being awesome).

And soppyness over. Phew. So I'm not going to go into Ole Miss' epic defeat against Texas last night because... well.... it pains me. I am a very optimistic person (usually) and I really thought we had a chance. But I do know why they won..... they brought a cow with them. A REAL LIFE COW. Or a bull, actually, Becca said it was a bull. But still, that's crazy, you can't bring livestock to a football game. Next time, Ole Miss should bring a live bear. And if any opponent tries to break away for a touch down, we set the bear loose. It's food for thought, that's all I'm saying.

So Packed!

Oh fine, I'll get back to that damn essay. Seriously, cannot get used to having homework again. Although my motivation levels have never been high.....

Maybe I'll watch a movie.....


Friday, 7 September 2012

Of Getting Wheels, Libraries, and Scary Trucks

I am mobile. Or I will be, from this weekend. I bought a car. A car!!! That's, like, grown up stuff. And it's the most expensive thing I've ever bought for myself. Before that it was my plane ticket to Australia (ouchers). I mean, travelling around Australia cost a lot, and I certainly splurged a little more than I maybe should have (could so have used the money for my car), but they were lots of little things that made up one big expensive thing. This is just one big expensive thing. And I haven't even bought tags yet (I think this means the number plate...? Silly Americanisms) or my insurance. Gulp. But it was be worth it when my sexy little blue thang arrives and I can cruise around campus like, "yeah man, I got me some wheels!"

Yeah, no I'm not going to do that. It's just so that I can get home from class and stay in the library till midnight.

What? No, I'm not lame! Or a nerd, I heard that.

This be my wheels, yo

Side note: there is a section in the library that is especially for Graduates, which I love. That's my working space. As an undergrad on my exchange year abroad I would peer into the area longingly, and just once I sneaked in to read a book and kept looking up every 20 seconds to check that a librarian wasn't about to arrive and demand to see my student ID. They didn't. Now I wish they did. I don't want no undergrad in my precious space! How dare they. It's super exclusive! My friend Joey laughed when I told him this. I think that was undeserved.

Anyway, when I picked up my rental car to go to Memphis and find my new car, I did not expect to be given this ----->
It was mahousive! I felt really bad for only being able to take up one of the six seats. I was so hyper aware of any other vehicle that passed me, in case they weren't giving my massive bulk enough room. And when I picked up my friend Jodie from her house, I was too terrified to go up her drive, which is basically a hill, in case I couldn't turn around and come down again. It was brand new as well with no scratches or anything so whenever I heard a tiny pebble get flicked up into the wheel arch, I was paranoid it had in fact shattered a window. And if I locked it and went into a garage or a shop, I was certain when I came out it had been stolen. The stereo was awesome though. I started listening to chart music and then felt bad and swtiched over to country music. That's the best bit about road trips in the south.

Also, the cabs of trucks in this country are made to scare you. I saw a bright blue cab in my rearview mirror with massive silver chrome exhuast pipes that when it beeped it's horn at me for being 2 mph under the speed limit, it shook the ground (no it didn't) and I moved quickly into the next lane. But, when it shot past me, it had this little piddling back which in no way matched it's front and made it look ridiculous. The ones that are long enough that they take a full 2 minutes to get passed you, now they are proper scary.

Short entry today because I have quite a few assignments to complete. Quite a few. A lot. More than I want. So I'm going to get on with that.


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Of One Great Big Gripe (and some other stuff)

I'm beginning to resent email and text messaging. Anything that means I don't get an immediate response, and I can't guarantee I'm even going to get a response. If I'm sending you an email, it's not for the good of my health. Or that I just want you to know I'm thinking of you. I will never do that. You know when people send text messages, and it doesn't ask or require an opinion? Well, I'm not going to reply. Ask me a question, and my reply is guaranteed. That's why I don't send pointless texts or emails, because I know in the reverse situation you won't hear from me. So if I send you a text or email, just reply. Make my life easier.

And come to the bloody meetings I set up. I know they're out of hours, but that means that I, too, am having to work out of hours, and I did it so I don't disrupt your schedules. I would much rather be watching Law and Order and eating cinnabon ice cream. Trust me. If you're not coming, just tell me. Make up an excuse. Make up a really bad god awful excuse, and I won't care. I do it all the time. You grandmother, aunt, second cousin, and the dog have all come down with the flu in the last 20 minutes and you're the only one who can take care of them as your father has been called to come into work by NASA because the first commercial spaceship has finally been finished to ferry up those 8 richest people in the world and that celebrity who we used to know the name of but can no longer remember it and we're all unsure where she coughed up enough cash to buy a ticket, and your mother has just started menopause and has shut herself up indefinitely in her room. Give me that excuse.

I'm griping, I know. But I need the space to gripe, and my friends are too busy working, and the coffee shop where I am currently sitting is too loud for me to have a chat anyway, so this is my space. Not that you're not my friends. Of course you are! Hey Friend.

My first assignment is done and out the way. It was my worst kind of assignment, so I'm so glad it's over: A Presentation DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN.

My work station at 3am when I was hit with motivation

Seriously, I hate those things. It doesn't matter how well I know my stuff, like this time, or the fact I think the presentation looks amazing and I've actually been able to come up with some intelligent responses. As soon as I'm at the front of the class, my tongue gets in the way and my words come out in an order that makes sense, but really doesn't make sense. Like Yoda. And I go off on unprepared tangents and can't complete the thought. I couldn't bear to count how many times I finished a point "and, yeah" *desparate look at partner Joey* Confound it. You'd think at 23 I'd be used to this. I've done presentations before, and I'm quite nervous when I meet new people but I can usually muddle through somehow.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure we rocked the presentation. The first one I even felt vaguely confident about after, rather than wanting to find somewhere to hide. And my professor said that, as the first groups (there was another presentation) we had set "a good bar..... an excellent bar." I'm glad she revised that, unless she was trying to fool us and mask the grade she's really going to give us.

I ate so much food last night. Who was I kidding, thinking I was going to be sensible with what I ate. I snacked on 3 mini corndogs (they were mini, I swear) while I made dinner. I made a massive portion of cashew chicken and rice for myself and my flatmate (my flatmate ate half of hers, I guzzled the whole thing), and then had a cinnamon bun with icing (or 2) and some cinnabon ice cream.... and then I think I managed to restrain myself. But I was eyeing up the mozzarella sticks with Ranch dressing everytime I went near the fridge. Why does everything taste so good here? Actually, I'm told it's becuase they pump sugar into everything. But that's fine with me. That's how I like my food. Addictive.

So...... I really didn't get any work done this evening. I just wrote this. Such procrastination. But in this way I have selflessly given of myself to you instead of attending to my own needs. You are very welcome.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Of My Love Hate Relationship

I have a love-hate relationship with a lot of things in America. These are just some of them.

I love the way people just abandon their cars in the car park. It's like they didn't even try, they just thought "this bit's empty" and left it there. I'm sure if the car park was full I'd be pissed that a whacking great SUV has parked itself over three spaces, but for the minute it's just funny.

I hate the way total strangers are talking to me. Well, I don't hate it, I'm just not used to it, and at the moment, because of my nature, it makes me uncomfortable. I feel fake because I'm trying to be super friendly and interesting for the 30 seconds this person is in my life and calling my attention, and while they're talking I'm just constantly thinking "in a second we're never gonna see each other again, why are you bothering?" This feeling is one I hope will change. And I do hope people still talk to me. Especially if they're cute. Especially especially if they're cute and a guy.

I love the fact that the weather is actually warm instead of the poor excuse of a summer that we have in England. And I love that they have air-conditioning everywhere.

I hate the fact it's too freaking warm outside and that the air-conditioning is too freaking cold. I carry leggings and a jacket with me wherever I go so that I can fend off hypothermia inside.

I love the epic storms they have here. When it rains, it goes all out, and it's hilarious to be caught out in it. There are so many lightning storms and the thunder is floor shakingly loud, I love it.

I hate getting soaked in the rain right before going into a class. It makes the air-conditioning that much more painful.

I love kroger for having all my cashew nut and cinnamon cravings. And just America in general for having all my favourite foods.

I hate the fact that all my favourite food makes me fat.

I love that everything is drive through. Drive through food, drive through ATMs, I'm just waiting for drive through clothes stores. Can I get a drive through gym and put my car on a treadmill?

I hate the fact you need a car. The heck! You guys are making me spend thousands on a vehicle to get across a stupid bridge to my flat.

I love the work I'm doing. My Masters is perfect for me. My job is perfect for me. I can actually do the work and not feel like I'm being stupid. I even feel good enough to put forward ideas in class. Out loud. Whhhhaaaatt??

I hate the amount of reading we have to do. I get it, I get that I'm in a Masters programme and that I'm supposed to read to get good background knowledge etc etc for my future career, but dammit I want to go to a club! And go to Memphis! And eat out at restaurants! All of these things require a car though....

But most of all, I just love that I'm here again. Yes, it's still difficult making friends and I'm working on feeling comfortable with certain things, but hopefully all these things will eventually fall into place. I really do love my job, it's what I want to do in the long run. I love the fact I'm problem solving and organising events and hearing all these different accents around me again. I love the people I've met so far and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna love the people I get to meet soon. Fingers crossed my boyfriend is out there somewhere.........

Nah just kidding.

Except I'm not....

Where are yooooooou???

This is Rachael.... not my boyfriend.....