Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Of One Great Big Gripe (and some other stuff)

I'm beginning to resent email and text messaging. Anything that means I don't get an immediate response, and I can't guarantee I'm even going to get a response. If I'm sending you an email, it's not for the good of my health. Or that I just want you to know I'm thinking of you. I will never do that. You know when people send text messages, and it doesn't ask or require an opinion? Well, I'm not going to reply. Ask me a question, and my reply is guaranteed. That's why I don't send pointless texts or emails, because I know in the reverse situation you won't hear from me. So if I send you a text or email, just reply. Make my life easier.

And come to the bloody meetings I set up. I know they're out of hours, but that means that I, too, am having to work out of hours, and I did it so I don't disrupt your schedules. I would much rather be watching Law and Order and eating cinnabon ice cream. Trust me. If you're not coming, just tell me. Make up an excuse. Make up a really bad god awful excuse, and I won't care. I do it all the time. You grandmother, aunt, second cousin, and the dog have all come down with the flu in the last 20 minutes and you're the only one who can take care of them as your father has been called to come into work by NASA because the first commercial spaceship has finally been finished to ferry up those 8 richest people in the world and that celebrity who we used to know the name of but can no longer remember it and we're all unsure where she coughed up enough cash to buy a ticket, and your mother has just started menopause and has shut herself up indefinitely in her room. Give me that excuse.

I'm griping, I know. But I need the space to gripe, and my friends are too busy working, and the coffee shop where I am currently sitting is too loud for me to have a chat anyway, so this is my space. Not that you're not my friends. Of course you are! Hey Friend.

My first assignment is done and out the way. It was my worst kind of assignment, so I'm so glad it's over: A Presentation DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN.

My work station at 3am when I was hit with motivation

Seriously, I hate those things. It doesn't matter how well I know my stuff, like this time, or the fact I think the presentation looks amazing and I've actually been able to come up with some intelligent responses. As soon as I'm at the front of the class, my tongue gets in the way and my words come out in an order that makes sense, but really doesn't make sense. Like Yoda. And I go off on unprepared tangents and can't complete the thought. I couldn't bear to count how many times I finished a point "and, yeah" *desparate look at partner Joey* Confound it. You'd think at 23 I'd be used to this. I've done presentations before, and I'm quite nervous when I meet new people but I can usually muddle through somehow.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure we rocked the presentation. The first one I even felt vaguely confident about after, rather than wanting to find somewhere to hide. And my professor said that, as the first groups (there was another presentation) we had set "a good bar..... an excellent bar." I'm glad she revised that, unless she was trying to fool us and mask the grade she's really going to give us.

I ate so much food last night. Who was I kidding, thinking I was going to be sensible with what I ate. I snacked on 3 mini corndogs (they were mini, I swear) while I made dinner. I made a massive portion of cashew chicken and rice for myself and my flatmate (my flatmate ate half of hers, I guzzled the whole thing), and then had a cinnamon bun with icing (or 2) and some cinnabon ice cream.... and then I think I managed to restrain myself. But I was eyeing up the mozzarella sticks with Ranch dressing everytime I went near the fridge. Why does everything taste so good here? Actually, I'm told it's becuase they pump sugar into everything. But that's fine with me. That's how I like my food. Addictive.

So...... I really didn't get any work done this evening. I just wrote this. Such procrastination. But in this way I have selflessly given of myself to you instead of attending to my own needs. You are very welcome.

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